FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) List
EE - Wearable Audio
1. Are there different sizes for wearable speakers?
- Harness type comes in 1 free size with stretchable band and Velcro adjustment, and comes in 5 different colors (Black, Red, Orange, Green and Camo).
- Black and Camo colors are available in 3 different sizes – small, medium, large
- Backpack type also comes in 1 size with 2 different colors (Black & Red)
2. How long will batteries last once fully charged?
It has batteries in 3 parts:
- Audio controller will run 5~6 hours on medium volume.
- LED controller will last over 8 hours with continuous use.
- LED remote controller should last more than 5000 times use (CR2032 coin battery recommended)
3. Is it washable?
- Yes, you can take the battery and speakers out and wash the harness/backpack.
- Hand wash is recommended but the first choice is to use "stain remover".
4. My phone is connected with EE Wearable Audio but I do not hear any music (no sound). Why??
- This happens when your "earphone" button is on. Push your "earphone" button once.
- If you still do not hear anything, check the cable connection going out from Audio controller.
5. What is the weight of the product?
- Hawk series (harness type) : 29.50 Ounces (including the box)
- Condor series (backpack type) : 24.00 Ounces
6. Can I use earphones if I want to use it in public?
- Yes, there is an earphone jack on top of audio controller
7. What is the input specification?
- We recommend using an adaptor with output of 5V, 1.0 A or higher.
8. My LED light is not working properly : not turning on / only 1 side is on / etc.
- Check to see if the connection is secure
- Charge the battery
- Use the remote controller to activate the signal
9. Pairing or re-Pairing between LED controller and a remote controller
- This product is designed for an exclusive communication using 2.4G RF(Radio Frequency) technology which enables 1 on 1 communication without any interference from other devices.
- Case 1) The LEDs on the back are not working (turn on) : More likely the LED controller battery is dead. Recharge for 2 to 3 hours.
- Case 2) Remote controller is not working (Blinker not working)
a) Make sure the battery in the remote is not dead : Coin battery(CR2032).
- Push all 3 buttons on the remote for 1 second and the light should blink on the remote.
- If remote do not light up, replace coin battery(CR2032) and follow b.
b) Paring and re-Paring process
- Turn on your LED controller first (make sure you only have one product around you).
- Push all 3 buttons and make sure the light flashes on the remote, then turn off LED controller.
- Turn on LED controller and push any button and hold more than 3 seconds for pairing.
- Wait 2-3 seconds and push any button 2-3 times, and your remote should work.
1. What makes the PAC brand unique?
- PAC combines functionality with lifestyle and innovation, and focuses on the needs of our customers.
2. For which applications is a PAC made?
- PAC is multifunctional and can be used in almost any life situation, whether for sports activities, work life, or in the general fashion and leisure sector.
3. Can I get a PAC with private labeling?
- Yes, we can customize a PAC for your company or your organization. Every PAC variant, whether PAC fleece, PAC headband, or PAC original, can be produced exclusively for you, even with its own packaging.
4. In which sports can I use a PAC best?
- You can carry a PAC in countless types of sports. We offer both winter sports variants with warm fleece type, as well as PAC wipes with silver ion technology for sports in extreme heat in the summer.
5. PAC original: Made in Germany, is this still going on in the textile industry today?
- Yes that is possible! We have succeeded in building our production despite much higher wages here in Germany. From design, production, and sales, we have the entire value chain of the PAC Original in Germany.
6. What are the product variants of PAC?
- The PAC collection is divided into autumn/winter and spring/summer so that our dealers are always supplied with the right collection. We have suitable models for both the recreation area, as well as highly functional sports.
7. How can the PAC collection help with sales and cash flow optimization?
- Our products offer an excellent margin for our dealers. Another plus is the fact that the seasonal products are managed by us as NOS goods and thus a constant availability is guaranteed. As a dealer you can easily reorder at any time.
- We have designed our displays so that as many products as possible can be presented on a small area. The space-saving display can also be placed in the cash register area in order to attract customers' attention and increase sales.
8. What does PAC stand for?
- The Protective Accessory Company offers you all conceivable accessories for the first layer on the skin. Whether it is headgear or for your feet, we have the right function for you.